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Digitization - our passion for over 25 years

We are experts for data strategies and software development around digital planning and construction. Due to our deep roots in the construction industry, we know the requirements of all project participants. As software engineers, we develop applications and information models for the digital collaboration of all trades.  As data experts, we support management and decision-makers in the digital transformation of their company. Through our process knowledge, we help our customers become more efficient.


Digital change & disruption

In the next few years, the majority of companies will use digital platforms and ecosystem functions. Collaboration solutions, equipped with great automation and visualization capabilities, make it possible to optimally adapt your own value chains to new markets and product categories. 

With us, you will find the right contact person for your individual digital challenge.

Digitization changes the way you work

  • Use existing data efficiently
  • Automate work steps and processes
  • Link data silos and departments
  • Save resources through sustainable data strategies
  • Minimize the necessary testing tasks
  • Optimize logistics and personnel deployment with prefabrication

Our services

Laptop mit Code - Neue Technologien, Big Data, KI & Co schaffen bahnbrechende neue Produkte. Wir erarbeiten mit Ihnen konkrete Anwendungsfälle, um vorhandene Prozesse innovativ zu gestalten und neue Marktpotenziale zu erschließen.

Software development

Handschlag - Für die digitale Transformation gibt es kein Patentrezept - aber Experten, die die richtigen Zutaten kennen.' Darunter sind Informationen zur Firma ekkodale und deren Dienstleistungen im Bereich Consulting und digitale Transformation.


Glühbirne - Digitale Prozesse können mehr, mit dem Perfect Match von Menschen und Tools

Process consulting

Datenmatrize - Die Lösung für Ihre Daten. Daten sind der Treibstoff für das digitale Bauen. Sie werden bei der Planung gebraucht, im Bauprozess, bei der Fertigung und Montage von Bauteilen und Gebäudetechnik, sowie bei der Wartung und Reparatur.

Data Solutions

And how

Digital empowerment

With their work, our customers contribute to the success of construction projects of all sizes. They perform a wide variety of tasks in the life cycle of a building. Digitization poses different challenges for each of our customers. As generalists, we keep an eye on the big picture. We know the requirements of all construction stakeholders and support them in working together digitally even better. Together with them, we find ways to improve processes and develop new business models through the optimal use of their company data.

Good, valid data is our passion

ekkodale stands for progress, agility and connectedness. It enables us to always recognize changes and to react in a forward-looking way. Together we bundle our strengths, tackle and seek sustainable solutions together with you.

Are you looking for a custom-fit solution for your digitization project?

Talk to us! Even if you do not fit into one of the areas listed above, we certainly have a solution for you!
We will tackle your challenges together. 


Contact us

Side by side with our partner companies

Together, sustainable, networked - these are the values that connect us. We work together with various experts from business and society on innovative digital solutions. By sharing know-how and expertise, we achieve the best for building in the present and in the future.




